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Pastor Brant Seacrist

February 10, 2019


TEXT:JOHN 14: 15-24

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SUBJ: The comfort and encouragement of believers realized by believers through being indwelt by the Father, Son, and the Spirit.

AIM: That we find ourselves in the way of submission and obedience wherein we know the love of our Father, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Spirit

INTR: The setting here is, in all probability, the eve of the crucifixion and it seems that the Apostles were sensing things they could not understand.
1. Christ knew that they were having a difficult time trying to understand and being anxious as to what was about to occur.
2. Many of the words that He gave to them would not become effectual until after the crucifixion and even more so after the day of Pentecost.
3. He assured them that they would come to know the realities of which He spoke and that they would possess what the world could not know.

THESIS: The relationship that a believer enjoys in God is not visible and defies understanding apart form actual experience. It is ours to love, obey, and learn of Christ in us and with us; it is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and seek after Him.

I. Ye shall know (vv. 15-20)
1. The idea of a physical kingdom at that time was still lingering in the minds of these men and as Christ spoke to them of spiritual things, they experienced difficulty.
2. Key to much that is said here is the understanding of the person and role of the Holy Spirit.
1) He was with them, but much more was to be realized
2) He was to be a helper, one who comes alongside to help.
3) He would be another comforter: Christ would ever be there to bring our case before the Father, while the Spirit would ever be there to bring God’s case to us!
3. It is here that Jesus introduced the idea that we would be and are indwelt. They had it then, but it would become sharply quickened and made more so at Pentecost and beyond – they would not be left as orphans but would rather be fully attended.
4. Again, He takes them from the world of the visible and apparent (v. 19)
1) The world would not see Him as they did at that time
2) But ye see me (now and in the future perfect sense as in be assured you will).
3) The conditional that is not a conditional – see v. 15)

II. Ye shall possess (vv. 21-24)
1. The tendency is to think only in terms of obeying the commandments and so earn a place in the favor of the Lord when, in fact, all is tied to the love of the Father and the Son.
1) These will be done, but in the context of possessing them as a way of life and identity with Christ.
2) To Love Jesus is to gain the love of the Father as we remember that “this is my beloved Son.”
3) All these are coexistent and cannot exist separately – considered together is joy unspeakable.
2. He will and does even now love them and make this manifest to them and us.
3. The question of Judas – how can this be? Is he still focused on the visible?
1) This is the Apostle who did not betray Him – the writer of Jude
2) We remember Philip and the challenge to Him
3) And, the doubting of Thomas
4. Verse 23 seems to be repetitive but is reinforcing the relationship He would describe.
1) The Love of God is eternal – we do not understand but know it to be so, but to be experienced.
2) He will keep my words – “… the words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are life.” They are God-breathed words.
5. Note the order in v. 21 and in v. 23.
6. What is it then to abide with us:
1) It is to know all that is written to be sharply quickened in us that we have an immediate consciousness of what is declared to be true.
2) It is made to be so that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are at home with us and in us – the word of regeneration and conversion.
3) That we are able to experience as Paul described: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14.
7. We may delightfully know all the provisions bought for us by the blood of Christ, be able to cry Abba Father and to know the sweet fellowship of the Spirit in us an among us to manifest the fruit that comes as a result.