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Pastor Brant Seacrist

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020


TEXT: GENESIS 26: 12-25

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SUBJ: The confirmation of the promise to Isaac as it had been given to Abraham and with do reference to the point that it had been in the faith of Abraham that it had been made and was being honored in his seed.

AIM: That we might recognize that what is given us in Christ is assured on the basis of the Father's promise to the Son and the Son' obedience to the Father.

INTR: The story of Isaac finds most of what is remarkable in his birth and the fact that Abraham offered him as a sacrifice in obedience to God. Otherwise, his life is unremarkable.
1. What is remarkable is the way in which the Lord protected and blessed him and prospered him in the Land.
2. It was made clear that he was not to leave the place designated as the inheritance and therefore he was not to go to Egypt as Abraham had done.
3. We witness another lapse in judgment or in character and yet the determination to bless came not because of but despite the failings of Isaac.

THESIS: While Isaac is unremarkable is his character and actions the providential actions of God are clearly in evidence in all his life - it is after all about the Lord and His purpose in Christ.

I. The further blessing of Isaac (vv. 12-14)
1. The chapter opens with a renewal of the promise that had been made to Abraham with full acknowledgment that it was to Abraham that covenant was made and that Isaac was in fact the beginning of the answer of God to the seed of Abraham.
2. The beginnings of Isaac's sojourn in the land of the Philistines was not the story one might expect from the son of promise.
1) He lied about Rebekah at the risk of causing havoc in the family and
2) It is shameful that he was rebuked by a heathen king who responded to the providential prevention of chaos.
3) Protection was assured by Abimelech.
3. So, Isaac settled there, and the Lord blessed him
1) He sowed and reaped abundantly
2) He grew in stature and respect among the inhabitants and the king.
3) He had flocks and herds and servants and was envied for the success coming to him
4) No mention is made of comment from Isaac

II. The further resentment of the Philistines (vv. 15-21)
1. One had observed that Isaac won the friendship of his opponents by his patience.
1) We note that when Abimelech asks him to move, he did so without resistance and
2) That as further striving developed, he continued to move without hesitation.
2. The envy was such that they had filled in the wells dug by Abraham in the past and he simply attempted to reopen them. He did not resist when they claimed them as their possession.
3. They were name "contention" and "hatred."
4. It may be easy to assert that Isaac should have fought for what he had done, but here we may understand the faith of Isaac in that he occupied until the time was come to pass the blessing.
5. In that he had been told to sojourn in the land with the promise that the Lord would be with him was a matter of faith in and of itself.

III. The further removal of Isaac (vv. 22-25ff)
1. It would seem that Isaac was simply believing the Lord and fully trusting in Him as he was again and again constrained to move and dig more wells.
1) The understanding was that the Lord had made room for him to function and
2) He reckoned that it was the Lord, not circumstances, that had brought him there and kept him safe.
2. From there he went to Beersheba (the well of the oath) and there the Lord appeared again.
1) The Lord identified as the "God of Abraham"
2) And reiterated the comforting "fear not" in that the Lord would be with him and
3) The promise was intact.
3. It was here that he settled permanently and lived out his life in peace
1) He called on the Name of the Lord in worship and
2) In thanksgiving and praise for the providential care taken of him and all his.
4. It is interesting to note that Abimelech came to him desiring a covenant of mutual peace further indicating the work of God in the interest of the promised seed. (When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him).