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Pastor Brant Seacrist

NOVEMBER 29, 2020


TEXT: GENESIS 39: 1-23

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SUBJ: The providence of God as seen in the life of Joseph and the developing picture of redemption and forgiveness seen in his life.

AIM: That we might recognize the mighty hand of God in all our lives, even when we do not understand, and that we might truly experience Romans 8:28.

INTR: There is real danger in missing the real picture in a biblical account as we get bogged down in the details. It is not that the details are unimportant; it is just that they are not all.
1. At first read of this account we might be drawn to the moral character of Joseph which is not to go unnoticed.
2. It is evident at the outset of the narrative of the life of Joseph that he was to play a prominent role in the display of divine purpose which would culminate in a mighty display of the power of God in the years to come.
3. A key observation here is that "The Lord was with Joseph." And we remember from Matthew 28:20 "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

THESIS: We must be aware that God operates in His creation in such a way as to cause the actions of men and nature to serve His purpose in redemption; men do as they desire and God directs their way to serve the needs of the redeemed and His glory.

I. Joseph in the house of Potiphar (vv. 1-6)
1. Joseph has gone from being the favorite son of Jacob to being a slave in Egypt and that precipitated by the treachery of his brothers.
2. The difference maker here is that "The Lord was with Joseph" and he was made prosperous in all he did.
3. Joseph did not become a champion for social justice, he served the Lord where he was and manifested the presence of the Lord in such a way that Potiphar was aware of something unique and special about this young man.
4. Joseph was a man of integrity, honesty, faithfulness, and industry and these are the things to be emulated by all.
5. Noting these things Joseph was made the overseer of the household and it was that the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian for Joseph's sake.
6. It was all in Joseph's hand and the scripture observes that he was "a goodly person."

II. Joseph wrongly accused (vv. 7-19)
1. It has been an oft recurring scene that men have been falsely accused and have suffered unjustly because of the wickedness of others.
2. I will not dwell long with this portion in that we can read and assess the lies and react and think of the injustice registered here:
1) The wickedness of this woman is such that she would ruin an innocent life and so
2) Lied to hide her own immorality.
3. We would rather look to the higher purpose of God in taking Joseph from tending sheep to the courts of Pharaoh.
4. We are here reminded of another who was falsely accused and put to death because of the exposure of the sins of the accusers - again all in the purpose of God.

III. Joseph in prison (vv. 20-23)
1. It was no accident that Joseph was put in a particular prison
1) It was a place where high ranking prisoners were placed.
2) It may have been that Potiphar suspected that Joseph had done no wrong and simply had him imprisoned to avoid dishonor.
2. Again, we read (v. 21) that the Lord was with him and he is raised to a position of trust in recognition of his virtue and godliness.
3. As before all things are made to prosper in his hand and all things were under his hand and the Lord made it all to prosper.
4. The keeper knew of the Lord's presence with him (v. 23).

IV. Joseph interprets some dreams (chapter 40)
1. We note first the position of the butler and the baker as being close to the king
2. Their dreams were interpreted with different results
1) The butler was given good news and was returned to the service of the king
2) The baker was given bad news and was hanged
3. Joseph had requested that the baker remember him to Pharaoh
4. The butler forgot about Joseph and did not remember him for two more years
1) All in the matter of God's timing when
2) He would interpret the dreams of Pharaoh and be elevated to a position from which he would be able to deliver his family and to forgive his brethren.